
Whether you find itchy on your legs, licking your wax structure, or just getting tired of your "bandages and excessive chin whiskers", laser hair removal has paved the way for many female disinfections. But that's the way it is: Since the treatment has landed in the English salon, it is widely believed that it only applies to light skin. is this real? Where is the hair color factor? How about the texture? Is the hair too thick or too thin? You ask us to answer here. Because let's face it, the beauty industry is strong enough to navigate without the need to project a laser beam into the mixture. So here is everything about laser hair removal.

How laser hair removal works

First, we need to understand the exact method of laser hair removal machine. “This treatment works by directing the light from the concentrated beam (wavelength) to the pigment in the hair follicle,” explains Lisa Mason, head of the medical standard at the Skin Clinic. “When light passes through the skin, it is converted into heat. This heat is absorbed by the dark pigment in the hair follicle, which destroys the hair follicles and is enough to prevent future growth.” In short? The thicker and darker the hair, the easier it is to detect light. This means that hair reduction is fast and effective for people with brown to black hair. Think of the pigment in your hair as a summer black garment; it absorbs all the heat from the sun, while the white T-shirt reflects the heat, keeping you cool. Often, this is why black-haired women respond better to laser hair removal than women with gold, white or red hair. There are not enough pigments in their hair follicles to absorb the laser beam.

Why skin color is important

In order to optimize the laser treatment, there must be a large color contrast between the skin and the hair, so the dark hair and light skin color are best. “A very dark complexion can be problematic because conventional lasers confuse and aim at the melanin (color) in the skin, not the pigment in the hair, which can cause burning, hyperpigmentation, and scarring,” explains Dr. Robin Stones of the court clinic. Say. Even more frustrating is that women with darker skin, especially those from Africa and the Caribbean, are the best candidates for laser hair removal for several reasons. First, their hair density is usually greater than that of other ethnic groups. “The larger the hair follicle, the more the treatment receives,” adds Dr. Maria Gonzalez, a dermatologist at Royal Gwent Hospital. In addition, their skin type and other types of hair removal are not effective: waxing, hair removal, and shaving can cause sustained skin damage in a way that does not affect the lighter skin tone. “Unlike most other ethnic groups, black women often find themselves in a vicious circle of persistent hair loss and hyperpigmentation. In addition, the thickness of the hair plus its tendency to curl makes this type of skin particularly prone to hair growth, which leads to Inflammation of the surrounding skin. This can sometimes lead to hyperpigmentation of papules and nodules in the bikini area, leading to understandable pain."

Like most beauty treatments, diode laser hair removal is not perfect, but it has come a long way in a short period of time. If the latest breakthrough is anything, it will soon be called all permanent skin. Hair removal method. Prior to this, the rules were simple: always look for experienced practitioners, ask for patch testing, and don't be afraid to dig deeper and ask many questions before proceeding.


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