Diode hair removal laser treatment is a procedure for painless and permanent hair removal. Before you do the diode hair removal laser treatment, you should learn something clear. Here are the items for the diode laser hair removal machine treatment.
1. Diode laser hair removal is a painless process
The wavelength of the diode laser is 808 / 810nm, which is the golden standard for hair removal. The 808 nm diode laser acts directly on the melanin in the hair follicle. Meanwhile, the absorption of light, water, and melanin in the epidermis does not absorb the 808nm laser. So you will not feel pain during the diode hair removal laser treatment.
2. Laser hair removal is not a one-time treatment.
The hair growth cycle consists of anagen, catagen, and telogen. Only the hair during the anagen could be clearly removed. The hairs during the catagen and telogen period are not removed. Generally, 4 to 6 treatments are required for permanent and clear hair removal with a diode laser. The interval between each treatment is 28 days.
3. The hair must be shaved before hair removal.
The hairs on the skin surface react to the laser. This can lead to pain or burnt hair. Make-up should be removed before hair removal. The color in the make-up can burn your skin.
4. Hair removal is actually quite fast.
Typically, a diode laser hair removal treatment takes 5 to 30 minutes (a lip, arm, leg, back, and bikini ...). Diode laser machine uses in-motion SHR technology for hair removal. The treatment frequency is up to 10Hz, we call diode laser hair removal.
5. Gym, saunas, and showers are prohibited in 2 or 3 days.
After laser hair removal, the heat stays in our skin in 24 hours. We, therefore, advise against going to the gym, taking saunas and hot showers.
6. Sunlight should be avoided.
Before and after laser hair removal you should avoid sunbathing and sun exposure. If you already have a tan, you'll need to wait until it fades before you start laser hair removal.
7. There is no downtime for laser hair removal
In addition, you need to avoid sunlight, saunas and too much sport, so that your normal life is not disturbed. Laser hair removal is non-invasive and not surgical. There is no downtime.
8. Laser hair removal is more effective and permanent.
Waxing is a method of hair removal, but not permanent. Electronics are permanent, but the process is too slow. IPL hair removal is permanent, but laser hair removal machine is more effective, faster and less painful.
9. Deep color and thick hair are easier to remove.
Hair density, hair color, and thickness depending on the difficulty of the laser hair removal treatment. Usually, deep colors and thick hair are easier to remove.
10. White hair could not be removed with a diode laser.
Since the white hair follicle contains no melanin, the laser could not be absorbed.
11. Laser hair removal applies to all skin types
There is no upper limit for the skin type in laser hair removal. Laser hair removal has been shown to be safe and effective on dark or black skin.
12. Most medications can be taken normally.
The only prohibited drugs are Accutane and Retin-A, which must be discontinued before hair removal.